Why Training Your Dog Should Be Simple
Training your dog isn’t hard when you focus on what is important.
We make it harder than it should be.
If you focus on their daily interactions and preventing unwanted behavior, training is pretty simple.
What is more difficult is trying to work on reversing unwanted behavior that many times could have simply been prevented.
The other hard part for a lot of people is being open to new ideas and getting everyone that has contact with the dog on the same page. We have to do what is best for the dog and get out of the thought patterns that being inconsistent isn’t a big deal, everyday moments don’t matter, etc. Changing our mindset and maintaining that mindset takes more work than training a dog. And we over complicate the training.
If we truly worked on incorporating the training into our everyday interactions with our dogs, it really wouldn’t seem like another thing we have to do.
Would you like to improve your relationship with your dog?
Simple changes in how a dog is handled and managed can make such a difference in your relationship with them and in their behavior. Discover how coaching can help.
Behavior and Mindset Coaching for Hounds and Humans
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